I’m Doing My First Speaking Gig About Cancer

And to be honest, I'm really nervous. I've been speaking about facing fears for years and after more than 100 podcast episodes, I've got that topic down. In two weeks at the Be Golden conference I'll be giving a talk titled, "10 Things Cancer Taught Me About Life." I chose this topic myself as a challenge to look back at my year of life with cancer.

There's a saying to "never look back, keep moving forward." However, I can feel it in my gut, I owe it to myself to look back at this year and remember the hardest chapter of my life... for the better and worse. Looking back at ourselves in the past can provide a unique perspective and the ability to see lessons you may have missed.

That's what I'm hoping to do as I prepare this talk.

Is there a moment, decision or chapter in your life that you may need to consider revisiting? It may be challenging to take yourself back there, but I encourage you to feel the fear and do it anyway.

Please feel free to share your answer with me in the comments below. It always feels good to write it out!


It All Started When... Finding Out I Had Cancer One Year Ago


Why Don’t We Take Pride in Our Age?